The Path Unknown


Photo by Muzzamil Soorma on Unsplash

Changes, changes, change is good.  And here we are, everyday changes.  Dramatic change full of upheavals and high emotions and a wave that is thrusting mankind forward.  Whether we want to go or not, we are going and no one really knows where. There are those of use who are full of confidence.  They know their path that they will follow and there are others that will flow with the tide. There is a pandemic, it’s seems to be relenting. In my part of the world it is not.  There is also revolution.  The abused have had a enough and mankind is joining together to create change that is good.  So all can live without fear and terror.

Photo by Derick Mckinney on Unsplash

We had an earthquake the other day and I didn’t even care.  It seemed trivial to the new way of life that was settling upon us.  People are craving socialization, but fearful that this may lead to a surge of new cases and then the Pandemic will never end.  We mourn the many that we have lost over these last six months.   Our loved ones, our friends, our elders.  We are realizing that there is most likely no going back and that our lives are now forever changed.  The masks, now everywhere are a constant reminder. I miss seeing smiles.

Photo by Colin D 8 Corwhl on Unsplash

Most of all, I see courage and hope.  I realize that we have to  let go of fear and forge ahead.  Because if we just sit and let disease and injustice loom over us, we will never be free, we will never have joy. I watch the brave first responders and our brave protestors march to their assignments, to somehow change the world for good.  It’s beautiful to see the human spirit rise and soar for justice and to save others.

My first experience with protest was in the 60’s.  Now, memories of the marches,  Martin Luther King’s and Kennedy’s assassination, are so clear it’s as if these events happened yesterday.  The Black Panthers, Angela Davis, The Women’s Lib movement. Woodstock. Protest was everywhere and it filled a dull black and white world with technicolor and opened the doors to new ideas and experiencing a new way of living.  Many sacrifices were made that made life better for us all.

It’s not the end, this is the beginning, just like many beginnings before this one. Tough, scary and the unknown and a challenge to the human spirit.

So, I’m not sure what tomorrow will bring, but I know that if I wake up tomorrow, I will be looking for answers and learn to live well with what life gives me.

Photo by Aaron Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash