Survival Tea

Photo by Branimir Balogović on Unsplash


It’s a gorgeous Sunday, the sun is shining, the birds are singing.  Yet, there are layers.  Amidst all this beauty, people are dealing with a Pandemic and putting forth heroic efforts to thwart catastrophy.  Overall there is a great success and it has come with a cost, but will ultimately, most likely result in huge steps forward in many arenas.  Healthcare, Crisis Response and building unity in times of a massive assault on the population as a whole.  We have all had to sacrifice to some degree.  We’ve had to scale back in thousands of ways, but are learning to find new paths to follow our nature to succeed, live and grow.  We are now getting ready to emerge from quarantine and learn to live together in a new and healthier way that will be good for all. Summer has hit this part of the world and people are heading out of their homes.  Walking trails and parks are now open again with social distancing laws in effect.  Beaches in Orange County are opening with the same rules.  

I wrote this a week ago, but it was never posted and it’s a screenshot of the height of quarantine and my perspective of it, I’m including it here, because I want to remember this time. A big thought on my mind right now is survival.  A pandemic is circling the globe and we are now quarantined to decrease exposure, stop the spread of the pandemic  and increase survival rates.  Most of us are shocked by the turn of the events and feel a sense of displacement and disorientation due to the complete disruption of our normal every day lives.  I go out for walks with my mandatory mask and no one is about.  I wonder if I’m doing something wrong? The streets are barren, except for a random vehicle that speeds by every few moments. It’s as if the world is asleep, taking a long nap. I wonder how can everyone be so quiet? Are they really in there, in their homes? Can children, teenagers, husbands out of work stay so still and silent?

So I keep walking, getting exercise, focus on health, strength. California is a great place to do this. We are a state of natural beauty and a place of healing. For more than a century America and the world has sent their ill here to heal and rehabilitate. Long ago, trains filled with TB patients in the last stage of the disease came to hospital spread across the Southern California as a last hope for a chance at life.  Many died on the train, but there were those that survived and lived into old age settled in the warm arid client of the Southern California high desert.  

A culture of survival is forming now due to the pandemic. It’s bringing the best out in us and forcing us to focus on what is really important in life and why we are here.  These thoughts are overwhelming at times and I find it helpful to focus on coping mechanisms and find a new way to live that may be even better than what I was doing before.  Everyday I can see Spring blossoming and exploding into life all around and it’s an amazing show. The birds are singing from sunup to sun down, playfully doing tricks in the air with other birds they are trying to attract. They are enjoying Spring to it’s fullest. The birdsong is a blessing at this moment and a reaffirmation of life.  It’s too early to tell what will happen.  If we follow other countries that are now finally healed of the spreading virus, we will hopefully enter the same phase soon. It’s difficult to stay informed about what will really happen.  All the news sources have conflicting stories, some of them out right exploitation of the current situation and confabulating statistics that we will only be able to verify when this whole thing is done. 

Photo by Kate Trifo on Unsplash

And now, here we are, one week later.  We are more hopeful, more full of fight and determined to live with hope, faith and celebrate life no matter what.  Our world is beautiful and nature will always carry on despite our continual assault on our own world health and our precious resources.  Hopefully, we will come out of the Pandemic, wiser and more willing to work harmoniously with our environment, rather than destroying it. It’s a complex and difficult task, but not unrealistic at all.  We can all see what staying at home does. We can now see what being careful and be kind with each other can be like.  The cleaner air and the peaceful environment. We are seeing that we can live peacefully together and work together for success. 

Part of this blog,  Tea Travels, is comprised of posts about travelling locally and around the world to experience the tea traditions and teas of the world. It’s more relevant now than ever due to the quarantines around the world.  I love to write about tea around the world, because it reflects human kind’s ability to harmonize and elevate themselves together via the simple routine of taking tea.  Tea, how it’s made and enjoyed are direct reflections of the many beautiful and fascinating cultures of human kind.  Tea brings people together in a very simple way for bonding, sharing history and planning for what’s ahead.  Personally, I have never enjoyed tea more and been thankful for this simple beverage, than during this quarantine.  I’ve taken tea with my Pod, I’d explored herbal teas that support immunity and health and used the time during quarantine to delve deeper into the journey of exploring tea.

Last year we travelled throughout Southern California and even to Paris, France.  It was an amazing journey and we are hoping there will be many more.  World travel has been a part of human civilization since it’s inception and hopefully it will go on. It’s important that we explore and get to know our world and to become friends with all people of the world. I want to thank everyone who checks in and reads these posts. I hope that they have provided some light and entertainment during these trying times.  I’ll end this post with a great tea from Teavana(this post is unsponsored, I just really like this tea),   for relaxation and to make you smile. Teavana Citrus Lavender with pineapple, orange and notes of sage. Caffiene free.  Here’s a bit about the ingredients: Pineapple;  a tropical fruit grown in South America for centuries.  Sweet, packed with Vitamin C and explosion of flavor. Health benefits include decreasing inflammation, energizing and boosting immunity. Orange, another South American export, a catalyst of an industry that made the US wealthy.  Sweet, tangy and juicy-packed with Vitamin C. Health benefits include boosting immunity, maintaining skin and bone health. Sage-oh Sage-now that’s a lot to write about.  Sage,  utilized to clear away bad karma and spirits. Packed with vitamins and minerals.  Boosts brain health and cognition, reduce blood sugar, ease menopausal symptoms and protect against cancers. Lavender, reduces stress, anxiety, pain, promotes calmness and wellness and is a super attractor. 



And to end this post,  on this lovely day, full of promise and hope:

We live on this speck called Earth – think about what you might do, today or tomorrow – and make the most of it.

Neil deGrasse Tyson

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