Aquarius Moon

Photo by Ganapathy Kumar on Unsplash

In honor of tonight’s moon in Aquarius, I found this piece published over a year ago to celebrate tonight and the beginnings of new journeys.

Can I say I was thrilled when I learned that we were headed out of July and into a new month very soon and part of that meant that the new moon was in Aquarius? Yes, I love astrology. Do I live my life by astrological predictions and the phases of the moon? No. Astrology is fascinating to me. It’s an ancient science that goes back thousands of years and has endured centuries of changes in our world. We can learn a lot about our world, the space that our planet is hurtling through and how is this possibly affects the human race.

So what does it mean that the moon is in Aquarius? Well, the astrological sign of Aquarius represents philosophical ideology, humanitarian works, creating a better world, excellence in communication, quick intelligence and having fun in everything you do. Aquarius is an air sign and air signs usually act quickly and perform fast. Many people become slightly confused when they realize that Aquarius is an air sign, because Aquarius is the water bearer. It makes sense though when viewed from the perspective that water is necessary to life and that abundant water translates to abundant ecosystems and thriving organisms. Symbolically, Aquarius is bearing water and all it stands for to the universe. Knowledge and compassion flow from beloved Aquarius.

How do we make this auspicious time work for us? Do as an Aquarian would do. My first and foremost thing to do like an Aquarian is bring my people together. Gather up your loved one and friends and have a celebration. Include everyone you know from all walks of life and watch how different people from different worlds can connect and click. Plan a fundraiser or some event that’s for your favorite cause. Post good things that are happening in the world on your social media accounts and promote, promote, promote!

Next,it’s time to pull out those projects that have been on the back burner for who knows how long? Time to start working on them and complete them. The stars are telling us that to ignore these projects may result in a backward flow of good energy if not utilized for actualizing a better world.Like an Aquarian don’t delay, but remember to always stop and smell the roses, have fun, like an Aquarian would do.

I was blessed to have an Aquarius as a parent. When I was seven my life was thrown into chaos by illness of a family member. My Aquarius dad made lemonade out of lemons. Every weekend he took us into nature, despite his grueling career as a pressman. We regularly camped at Salt Point on the Northern Coast of California and treked up to the wild coast of Fort Bragg and beyond. We camped in the Sierras, Yosemite and Gold Country. He drove us back far into the mountains on dirt roads there were nearly impassable and showed us that the world was beautiful and we were capable enough to survive anything that life threw at us. He taught me to build things and how to forage for food in the wilderness. He bought us farm animals to care for and guided us how to keep them healthy and serene. Everyone I ever brought home was welcome. He loved and accepted people from all walks of life. So, yes, I know about Aquarius first hand. I learned about adventure, love, compassion and communing with my fellow man from an Aquarius and am grateful for those gifts.

By the time this is published, the moon is waning, but the door has been opened. Beyond that door are good things waiting for us all in this new moon of Aquarius.

Photo by Julie Tupas on Unsplash