Father Time and Flea Medicine

Photo by petradr on Unsplash

While I was getting ready to apply my pet’s monthly dose of flea medicine the other day; I noticed a date that I had added in black sharpie ink. What stood out about the date was that it wasn’t the previous month like it should have been. Because you are supposed to apply the medicine once a month and two months had passed since I recorded the date. And I realized that I had been swept up in living, filling each day and night to the brim. And as I got busier and busier, time passed and it passed unnoticed. I realized that my resolve to relish each moment of precious life was slipping.

This one little very important chore that brought relief and comfort to my beloved pets, had been passed over without a thought; just as time had passed too. How many days had I missed without watching the sunrise which was one the most beautiful sights in the world? How many days had passed without thinking of how thankful I was for the blessings I had received?

I realized that this applied to so many things in life. Especially in our current times. We have so much information and so much to do. This life is so entertaining and as we enjoy all the offerings, time swiftly passes. Hopefully we immerse ourselves in each moment and that in the end we’re happy with our journey. That we can say we are ok with the way it went and that we are satisfied with the things that we took the time to love and pay attention too.