I’m J. Stern and welcome to my blog about positivity, inspiration, experiencing the Inland Empire and meeting it’s people.
I’ve been in the IE (Inland Empire) for over thirty years. In case you are reading this from an exotic location far from Southern California, let me explain what and where the Inland Empire is. It’s a region in Southern California that begins approximately 40 miles East of Los Angeles and extends for another 60 miles East. It encompasses a huge valley with several small metropolitan cities that are amazing and full of character.
You’re probably wondering where the name of my blog, Put On Your Clothes came from? Each day we get to make lifestyle choices and that’s kind of like putting on your clothes. We wake up each morning and make choices of what we want to do with our day. We decide what we’re going to wear, where we’re going to go and how we’re going to get there. We may be alone or have time with friends and family. I’m also an aspiring writer, so I hope you’ll enjoy my eclectic and fun approach to life and enjoy visiting.
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