I work online, so much of my day Monday through Friday is spent in front of a screen. I take breaks and dash about to get the circulation going and when my head is particularly foggy, I walk outside. A guru once said to find oneself, ground one’s self to the earth. Do this by walking barefoot on the earth itself. The dirt, the grass or whatever type of grass you have. By walking with our naked feet on the earth, we touch the very minerals we are made of with the soles of our feet. Soul to Earth so to speak.
This grounding is calming and releases anxious thoughts. The feel of the earth, the scent of growing herbs and trees is irristible. It’s hard to feel bad outside. The air is clear and full of possibilities.
Glancing around the yard, I do a quick scan to see what is growing and what is not. What needs trimming and what does not. It’s summer and life is bursting forth beautifully. All colors of the kaleidoscope, creating a natural masterpiece, created by the first artist, Mother Earth. The grass is almost a flourescent green, it’s so fresh and new and growing so fast. The hottest part of summer has not arrived yet. In Southern California that is usually August, September and sometimes October.
In the garden, an old basil plant from the local organic foods store has taken root. It’s flourishing and the leaves are aromatic and ready for spicing home recipes. The old fence is still standing. Rabbit wire blocks a section of the yard, so the dog can’t destroy the grass in that particular area of the yard. The wire is rusted and crooked and worn out sun bleached sticks anchor the wire in place.
This yard is simple and earthy and has potential. It seems to want some landscaping, something a little more sophisticated. That will be another day.