So, the Pandemic moves on and our lives our swept along with it. A tide of flu and bacteria that jumps from host to host, wreaking a bloom of unknown and bizarre events. Yet, at the time, life also flourishes. It’s always this way with our world. Our reality is held in place by a balance of events. We live together, but alone with ourselves at the same time and at this time we have been blessed with more time with ourselves. We have the time right now to stop, get off the treadmill of everyday life and contemplate and become familiar with ourselves, our reality, our dreams, our fears and our place in the world. This can be a scary thing and not so easy to do. It’s hard work to examine yourself and your life; to see the truth of your existence. It can also be beautiful and joyful. And there it is again-balance.
More than ever, I now get the Nike slogan-Just Do It. And I also get the NO FEAR slogan. Why is this? Because the truth of human existence is there are no guarantees. Human life is risky, but that’s what makes it so unique and precious. Eventhough, we are the most intelligent life form on Earth, we cannot predict or guarantee our future. So what does that leave you with? It depends on who you are; which are all of things that ever shaped you. Where you entered life, your genetics and your environment. Your home(if you had one), your parents, your level of privilege(or not). And now here we are, we are to stay more still than ever before and think. Face your truth. Learn to love it or change it(if you can).
We come into the world fighting for our first breath, fighting to live. Hopefully our first reception into the world is love, which tempers that fight. And there we are again, balance. Balance from the beginning.
We continue to fight in various ways; either by challenges we gave ourself or by challenges that the world gives us every day we wake up. We continue to love endlessly, joyfully and deeply, because this world is treasure chest of beauty and opportunity. So we love, we fight-we fight, we love. And the world goes on.