Photo by Matteo Catanese on Unsplash
There’s been a lot of rain so far this year in Southern California. We have a weather! It’s not unusual, but last year was a long, hot, difficult year for many around here. When people think of Southern California, they usually think of endless sunshine, palm trees, beaches, sundresses and shorts, but that’s just a slice of life. We actually have four seasons. Winter here is cool, sometimes raining, maybe one day of snow down into the valleys and coating the local mountain ranges. The winter skies are the clearest and the best. Everything is clean, shiny and views are amazing. Then there’s spring, which is glorious as new life bursts forth. Hundreds of species of birds come out and their songs fill the air serenading everyone as the earth starts to warm again in this part of the world. Flowers galore, tropical and roses, bright and beautiful. Next, summer comes and with it the heat. It can hit with a blast in the hundreds and was up to 130 last year in the desert. In the IE up to 117. It’s languid, luxurious and if you get your schedule right, relaxing and enjoyable. Last, and my favorite, fall. Excitement is in the air as we cool and the holidays are approaching.
Fast forward to today- it’s winter and it’s raining. It’s heavy, in sheets, forming curtains and washing away everything. There are leaves, branches, garbage everywhere. Pools and puddles of water sitting clear and cold. The earth dark and wet- oversaturated. The birds are out and reveling in the wet air. They bathe in the fresh water, flocks of seagulls soar on currents gusting along up in the clouds. The emergency alert system is sending out flash flood warnings to everyone’s cell phones. It’s hot tea weather that softens the icy edges of the rain.

The moisture in the air, the lack of sunlight and the constant pitter patter of raindrops create a quiet, thought provoking mood. Thoughts rambling slowly over everything in your life. It gives our sun soaked brains cool relief and time to drift around savoring ideas we usually don’t have time to mull over.
We love the rain in So Cal. It’s like your favorite relative or friend that you only get to see a few times a year. The visit is brief, refreshing and reminds you of why you love the rain. It doesn’t stay long enough to really cause any lasting changes. It’s a reminder of renewal, new life and changes to come as Spring lies sleeping and waiting around the corner. Rain washes away the debris and brings promise of a new day. The seasons still exist and we are still here.